Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Common Bad Breath Myths And The Best Bad Breath Home Remedies

Living With Bad Breath

bad breath home remedies
It can be difficult to be burdened with bad breath or halitosis. If you have this problem, people will have a very negative image of you. Disgusting breath can make interaction with other people very difficult. It can just ruin your social life. In order to make sure they do not live a lonely life, people with bad breath are willing to go to great lengths to find effective bad breath solution ideas.

What Are The Most Popular Bad Breath Myths?

It is important to determine the cause of the halitosis before you identify the best possible home remedies for bad breath. However, it can be complicated trying to determine the best solution, including a natural cure for bad breath, because of the numerous myths associated with halitosis. A brief mention of many of the common myths will follow.

Myth 1: Many people think that they can determine if they have bad breath by cupping their hands and breathing into them.

These people are wrong. This method has never worked for anyone. The problem is that bad breath is only produced when people speak. Halitosis originates near the back of the throat and can only come out if a person talks. However, even if someone has a bad smell coming from his or her mouth, this person will probably have a tough time detecting it because people become accustomed to the odors coming from their body.

Your dentist can determine if your breath is disgusting by measuring it with an instrument called a halimeter. An effective alternative is to ask your friend to smell your breath. Another method you can try is licking your wrist and then smelling it after waiting several seconds for the saliva to dry.

Myth 2: There are many people who believe that halitosis is hereditary.

At this point, there is no medical research that proves that a halitosis gene exists. So you do not need to be concerned with passing your halitosis to your offspring. But there are genetic conditions that can affect your tongue in a way that it traps more odor-causing bacteria.

Myth 3: Halitosis originates from the digestive system or stomach.

Contrary to this myth, a high percentage of halitosis problems results from the accumulation of bacteria at the back of the throat or tongue. These bacteria will feed on food particles which results in the creation of the volatile sulfur compounds that are responsible for the disgusting smell in your mouth. Only a small percentage of halitosis cases are due to bad breath originating from the digestive system. This is also known as digestive halitosis. It has been proven that problems with the digestive enzymes in the digestive system lead to digestive halitosis.

Myth 4: Commercial mouthwashes or breath mints are effective bad breath solutions.

The truth is that neither of these bad breath products can completely eliminate halitosis. They can only temporarily mask the bad odor. It may surprise you to know that using commercial mouthwashes may actually make your breath smell even more disgusting. The problem is the alcohol content of these mouthwashes. The alcohol will dry out the mouth which will allow odor-causing bacteria to grow much better.

Myth 5: Eating foods such as onions, cauliflower, cheese, and garlic is the direct cause of chronic halitosis.

remedies for bad breath
If you eat these foods, your breath will only stink temporarily. This is because of the high amounts of sulfur in these foods. After the sulfur reaches the lungs, your breath will stink every time you exhale.

In reality, the direct cause of chronic bad breath is the food particles that are left in the mouth and not the type of foods that we eat. After the bacteria in the mouth feasts on these food particles, volatile sulfur compounds, which make your breath stink, are created. So if you want to get rid of this condition you should practice better dental hygiene, which includes brushing and flossing, rather than change your food consumption.

Myth 6: Halitosis can be cured with the use of probiotics or hydrogen peroxide.

Currently, there is no definitive proof of their effectiveness as bad breath solutions. Actually a person can damage the tissues in the mouth if he or she regularly rinses with hydrogen peroxide. This is because research has indicated that it is toxic to cells. If you are looking for a solution that is recommended by doctors, you can try a natural cure for bad breath.

Final Thoughts

The only way to determine the best bad breath solution is to distinguish the facts from the most common myths. This is the reason why you should speak to a professional before you begin taking a treatment even a natural cure for bad breath.