
Does your boyfriend's or husband's breath smell really awful like a dog's breath? If it does, then you must be thoroughly humiliated by the disgusting smell emanating from your mouth. This condition is known as bad breath, or halitosis, and millions of unfortunate people have to live with this problem on a daily basis. I'm sure that discovering an effective bad breath treatment would be a godsend. To save yourself from this embarrassment, you probably tried looking for some effective bad breath solution ideas. I know that figuring out how to remove disgusting breath can be time-consuming and frustrating. In order to spare you the hassle and make your life a little easier, I will describe in the rest of this article some of today's most effective bad breath solutions for 2015.

Can The Chlorophyll In Parsley Fix Bad Breath?

The answer is yes. Chlorophyll has antiseptic properties that will make your breath smell much fresher. This is why you find parsley on your dinner plate because it will clean your breath up after a meal. Chewing on parsley can be effective at eliminating your awful breath but you will have to chew a lot of parsley for the desired effect. However, the liquid form of chlorophyll is even more powerful than chewing on parsley and it is much more convenient. You can buy liquid chlorophyll online for about $10 for a month's supply. It can help you maintain fresh breath all day long.

Can Good Oral Hygience Stop Bad Breath?

For some people, a major cause of halitosis is the leftover food that the bacteria in your mouth feast on. This can trigger the release of smelly volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) that causes breath problems. For this situation, one method you can use to eliminate your halitosis is to follow the rules for proper oral hygiene. This means using a toothbrush with good bristles and dental floss to brush and floss after you are finished eating. This will eliminate some of the food particles the bacteria could feed on. Tea tree oil has excellent antiseptic properties and putting a couple of drops on the dental floss will make your breath smell much better. You should also be on the lookout for food remnants on your tongue that you can eliminate with any tongue scraper.

Can Drinking Water Get Rid Of Bad Breath?

Other people get bad breath because of dry mouth. This can cause oral bacteria to grow more quickly. Failing to drink enough water every day is the main culprit for dry mouth. You can eliminate that dry mouth by drinking at least eight glasses of water each day. This is one of the easiest bad breath solution ideas that you can use. Water will get rid of some of those food remnants and prevent your mouth from becoming too dry. If you can, drink filtered water instead of water straight from the tap. Tap water contains a lot of contaminants that can make your breath smell worse. You can buy an inexpensive filter for your faucet or a filtered water bottle.

Are Sugary Foods Making Your Breath Smell Worse?

Another way to kill bad breath is making sure that your food does not contain any sugar. This means not eating popular sugary breakfast cereals such as Peanut Butter Captain Crunch and Cinnamon Toast Crush, doughnuts and pop tarts. You should also avoid gums, mints, candies, and Belgian or American-style waffles that contain sugar. Sugar can be used by oral bacteria to multiply which will trigger the release of even more smelly VSCs.

Do Acidic Foods Or Beverages Cause Bad Breath?

The answer to this question is yes because highly acidic drinks and foods can make oral bacteria grow at a much faster rate leaving a bitter aftertaste and a horrible smell in your mouth. Things you should avoid include:
  • grapefruits
  • tomatoes
  • pineapples
  • oranges
  • lemons
  • pickles
  • vinegar
  • sodas
  • chocolate
  • coffee
  • ketchup
  • pasta sauces
  • citrus juices
So consider cutting any foods that are really acidic out of your diet and replace them with apples, bananas, grapes and berries. Instead of drinking your usual cup of coffee in the morning or afternoon, you can drink a cup of tea which is much less acidic and contains polyphenols that hinder the growth of bad bacteria found in your stomach.

Should You Use Mouthwash?

Many people's first instincts are to head to the grocery store and pick up a bottle of commercial mouthwash such as Scope or Listerine. Surprisingly, many of the most popular mouthwashes will actually force your breath to smell worse because one of their main ingredients is alcohol which can dry out your mouth. There are some alcohol-free mouthwashes on the market such as ACT and TheraBreath but they cost about $12 for a 16 oz bottle (enough for one month) which is rather expensive. These mouthwashes also leave a burning sensation in your mouth. If you want something that is more affordable and natural, you can create a simple homemade mouthwash that could be an effective remedy. This mouthwash consists of salt mixed in with a cup of warm water. After you gargle with it, your breath will smell much nicer.

Final Thoughts

There are many husbands and wives (or boyfriends and girlfriends) who have found the bad breath solution ideas mentioned above quite effective at eliminating the disgusting smell. Gargling with warm salt water, getting rid of sugar and highly acidic foods and drinks from your diet, drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday, or brushing and flossing after every time you eat can make your breath smell nicer as well as make your social life much better.