Most Common Reasons For Bad Breath
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is an embarrassing condition to have if you are around people a lot. There are several reasons why people get bad breath. When 'bad' bacteria feeds on the dead cells on the tongue and food particles left from what you have eaten, a white, bitter substance will appear and it will leave your mouth with a really bad taste. As the bacteria is feeding, volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) will be released which are what causes your breath to smell like a swamp. Luckily, there are several natural bad breath solution ideas that work. You can choose whichever one is best suited for eliminating your problem.What Are The Best Natural Bad Breath Solutions?
After you figure out that your breath stinks, you will probably want to know what you can do to eliminate this problem. By eliminating the bacteria that is causing the awful smell, you can rid yourself of this condition. Here are some solutions that will help you remove some of the 'bad' bacteria from your mouth:1. You should try to have a good oral or dental hygiene routine.
This includes brushing and flossing your teeth and rinsing on a regular basis. This is not the best remedy. However, it will remove some of the 'bad' bacteria from your mouth. You should also include tongue scraping to your daily oral hygiene routine. This is vital because there are tiny hair like projections on your tongue that can trap food particles. If you clean your gums, teeth, cheeks and tongue on a regular basis, you will not give bacteria a chance to thrive and wreck your breath.2. You should always make a habit of never skipping any meals to prevent the occurrence of digestive halitosis.
I know people are really busy and it can be difficult to grab something to eat while you are on the go but you should always try to eat something because the stomach is at work all of the time. The absence of food in your stomach to break down will not stop the digestive juices from working. This can cause the inner linings in your stomach to emit a disgusting odor. This is commonly referred to as digestive halitosis.3. You can combat halitosis with the proper diet.
It has already been mentioned that not skipping meals can be an effective way to prevent digestive halitosis. However, you should not take this mean that it is acceptable to eat whatever you want. You can actually make your breath smell even worse by eating the wrong foods.Bad Breath Foods You Should Avoid
Foods that you should avoid include greasy foods, cheeses, deli meats, spices, garlic, and onions. Also you should try to limit your consumption of soda and coffee. If you don't, you can get heartburn or acid reflux which can cause halitosis to occur. There is a relationship between heartburn and bad breath because halitosis-causing bacteria can feed on any food particles that are forced back up towards difficult to reach places.4. You can even use some all-natural home remedies to get rid of your bad breath if commercial treatments are not giving you the results that you want.
There are many greens, citrus fruits, herbs, and teas that can serve as effective remedies. These items are all-natural so they will not harm your immune system and they are also reasonably priced.